For management of fruit flies and other selective diurnal insect-pest

eBoinic® FlyStar

  • Product Code : EBIOT-GN101A4-FF

  • Coverage Area: Up to 1 Acer*

  • Key Source of Communication with Insects: Olfactory signals.

  • Insect extermination Mode: Electrocution

  • Power Source: Hybrid (Wind+Solar)

  • Daily Working Duration: Dawn to Dusk, 365 Days year

  • Product Life: 7* Years (Maintenance Free)

Technical Specification

Olfactory Attractant

  • Product Code: ATT20-XXX-XXX

  • Olfactory Attractant On-Feild Life: 6 -12 weeks

  • Olfactory Attractant Storage Life: 6 Months*

Note: For detailed list of attractants for individual species of fruit flies and other selective diurnal insect-pest, write an email to us or contact us on phone.

Combination of eBoinic® FlyStar and ATT20-XXX-XXX manages varrious species of the fruit flies and other diurnal insect-pests.

This product will be commercially available from the 1st Quarter of 2025